Buy or sell farms in Iowa

Sunrise over a cornfield with a barn in the background.

Real Estate Sales

Gannon Real Estate & Consulting has over 35 years of experience in farm real estate sales in Iowa and the surrounding states, with our focus now being exclusively in Iowa. Since 2000 we have sold over 60,000 acres. We approach each sale with careful assessment of the needs of the owners, evaluate the unique characteristics of the land, and determine the best value for the land in the current market.

There are many ways to sell land – listings, sealed bids, timed sales, online and live auctions or various combinations. Each owner’s property and situation is unique; their needs must be understood in order for them to be comfortable and confident that all will go as well as possible.

Farm Appraisals

Mark Gannon has been an Iowa Certified General Appraiser for almost 30 years. We perform appraisals covering several areas including, but not limited to, sales and transfers of real estate, estate planning, mortgage financing, and investment analysis. Gannon Real Estate & Consulting specializes in appraisals of agricultural and recreational land.

At Gannon Real Estate & Consulting we consistently provide our clients with a superior appraisal product and service. In addition to providing appraisals, Gannon Real Estate & Consulting offers a number of additional valuation services.

Additional Services:

Rolling field of corn with white fluffy clouds in a blue sky.

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