• $1,900,000

Property Documents


  • Price $1,900,000
  • Land Area 193 m/l Acres
  • Property Status Available
  • Property Type Listing
  • County Greene County, Iowa
  • Taxes $5,990 approx.

Lat/Long: 42.025131030118,-93.611395089519,15


This is a highly tillable tract with a good yield history of over 230 bu/acre the last three corn rotations. A combination of upland and second bottom with a nice pond and some CRP acres where needed. The farm has had some manure
applications in the past few years. There is about 20 acres on the west side in the 100 year floodplain but it reportedly has not flooded in anyoneโ€™s memory.

Good upland, turkey and deer hunting.

FSA Info is available upon request

FSA Tillable: 158 A m/l (to be split by FSA)

Corn Base/Yield: 130 a. w 155 Bu/a (approx.)

CSR2: 63.4

CRP: 15 acres m/l x $183/acre until 9/30/2035

S/T/R: 20-82N-29W

Pond Area & Timber: 10 acres m/l

Waterways & Non-tillable: 10 acres m/l

Taxes: $5,990 m/l

Electricity: Consumers Energy Cooperative of Iowa

Water: Central Iowa Water

10 miles NW of Perry, 4 miles SW of Rippey. From Rippey, take E57 west 2 miles, then south on U Ave (still E57) for 1 mile. Take the curve west on 300th Street for 1/2 mile then take the curve south on Terrace Ave. for 1.75 miles to the corner of 320th & Terrace Ave.

Land in the S ยฝ of the SW ยผ of Section 20; S ยฝ of the SE ยผ of Section 19; NE ยผ of the NE ยผ of Section 30 and the NW ยผ of the NW ยผ of Section 29; all in T82N, R29W, Greene County, Iowa. Property to be surveyed by the sellers so the exact legal description will be provided by recorded survey.

Additional Information

Water Access
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